Sunday, May 31, 2020

H2H....It’s a Wrap

Where did the time go?  I think the craziness of the pandemic had something to do with it.  Now that hubby and I are both working from home, there is less of routine that defines our day.  No one is commuting to work and meals happen whenever and less on a schedule.  So time seems to just pass by.  I have heard many people (and that includes me) say they are having the worst time keeping track of what day of the week it is.  I started marking off the days on my calendar for a reality check 🤣😂.

After making hundreds of masks, I really needed to get my Quilty mojo back.  And I am happy to say, it finally did kick in.  Just in the nick of time.  So without further a do....

I finished my flower quilt that I previously posted about (a fabulously fun Missouri Star Quilt Co. design).  This one went on it’s way to Quilts of Compassion Disaster Relief....the day before Sarah’s email arrived asking us to hold off mailing them...oops 😜.

 Charity #3 : Caregivers Quilt initiative inspired me to do something special for a few people that  were on the front lines of the COVID craziness in my little world.  I wish I could have made a quilt for all of our Heroes of this pandemic.  Every health care worker, grocery store worker, mail carrier, sanitation worker....each is a care giver in their own way.   Let me share with you the ones that I did manage to make.

The first caregiver quilt (Colorblock Love quilt by Hunter’s Design Studio) went to my daughter’s friend Danielle.  Danielle is a cardiac nurse at a local hospital.  What better way to show some love but to spell it out L-O-V-E in some giant quilt blocks!

The next Caregiver quilt (designed by Diane of Butterfly threads quilting)  went to my friend Sharon who is a med tech in a laboratory of another local hospital.  Sharon is still isolating herself from family and friends to help insure their safety.  This one is full of Tula Pink from my stash.  Tula is bound to bring a smile to anyone’s face, don’t you think?  Her fabric lines are just so full of whimsy.  I just love Tula Pink!

My final Caregiver quilt is actually just a single quilt block .  I joined the Love and Hugs from Australia quilt along that came about because of the pandemic.  Although I haven’t had a chance to make all of the blocks, I did complete the one by Anni Downs as it seemed just the message of encouragement to send to another COVID hero (Kim) of mine.

I met Kim who is the director of nurses at a local Nursing home when she put out a plea for masks through our local quilt shop’s newsletter.  I made her hundreds of masks over several weeks and my heart just broke to see all she and her staff were going through.  Making this for her helped me heal the feelings of helplessness that I was feeling, I can’t even fathom all that they were (and still are) going through.

I admire the courage and selflessness of these three women (as well as all whom I’ve heard their stories but don’t personally know).  My hope is that they feel the love and prayers that were prayed with each and every stitch I made.

As my quilt label says.....From my heart to yours.....❤️❤️

Sarah, THANK YOU for the opportunity to spread the love.  And for the opportunity to use up some fabric from my stash.  The best part of using it up is that now I get to shop for more...Wooohooo