Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lovin' Sunday Stitchin'

I'm hoping we'll have a nice long Autumn.  Although it was a bit overcast and rainy today, I did enjoy a bit of sewing time out on the porch.  It would be so nice if we were to continue having such lovely temperatures for a while.  It never gets old.  I've been putting off doing a bit of weeding and other yard chores so the rain made it such that I could even sew guilt free (giggle).  I'm still working on my Jamestown Landing quilt from several posts ago. I ran out of 1/2 square triangles so I spent the afternoon building up a new supply.

I need over 800 of these little jiggers.  And I'm not sure how many I've already made or how many I have here in this batch.  But it's a good amount any way so that I can make a bunch of blocks.  These all came from fabric from my scrap basket.  My scrap basket is actually a repurposed laundry basket and it is overflowing.  I do love scraps quilts (good thing...LOL).

So I'm off to tame a few more of those scraps before it is time to call it a day.....

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