Sunday, January 17, 2016

Slow stitching and weaving Sunday

Whole lot a slow stitchin going on this weekend.  First thing on the docket was the first block for the 2016 Mystery BOM from Buttermilk Basin.  Stacy West from BB is such a creative and talented designer.  I just love her designs.  You too can join in the fun!  I am trying to stick with my New Years goals of simplifying life.  So that means using up fabric from my stash....I think I have stumbled on some that works just fine......I'm going with a very deep burgundy color scheme.   Instead of a wool moon I used a clay moon button that has been in my button box just waiting for its perfect home.  I think he has finally found it.  Linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday here.

Along with some slow stitchin I did a bunch of slow weaving too.  This afternoon I spent a few hours with a bunch of lovely ladies from my Thursday nite knitting group.  We had a Fiber Fun day at Jaquie's house.  It was an afternoon of weaving, knitting and spinning fun.  I brought my little pin loom to play with.  My squares are going to be made into a lovely short sleeved jacket.  

One square down only 71 more to go (giggle).  I'm getting the knack of warping this little loom so soon I will be on a roll....or maybe not.  It is slow stitching Sunday after all.  So this project fits that criterion just perfectly, don't you think?  They are a lot of fun to make...and that's all that counts.

I also learned something new big sister will be so proud!  She is a VERY talented spinner and weaver (and all kinds of other stuff too).  Today I learned how to spin with a drop spindle.  I'm not very good at it just yet, but I think I need to buy a fleece so that I can spin.  It is a ton of fun.  Now I only said I was going to simplify life by using up my fabric stash.  That is until I have a weak moment, and you know that is bound to happen.  I don't have a fiber stash so it's okay to go shopping for that, right? Oh, and I would love one of those really pretty drop spindles too.  Some of them are just so gorgeous.  My new friend Jacquie sent me home with one of her spindles and a bunch of fleece so that I could play. Woohoo...More fun!  Hope you are spending your Sunday doing what you love to do....

Until we meet again...piecefully yours,


  1. Your snowman is adorable! You are tempting me to join in, but I have not even finished all the blocks from BB's 2015 Mystery. I did work on them tonight--I have four done, four ready to be sewn, and four more to kit up.

  2. You might have been slow stitching, but you accomplished a lot today. Love your BB Basin block. Can't wait to see what you do with your little woven squares. I can spin on a wheel, but am quite awkward with a spindle. Congrats on accomplishing that.

  3. Wow I'm so impressed to be able to spin! Cute snowman too!!

  4. Wow...lots of creative activities taking place!
