I've been dying to participate in one of Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville mysteries. I'm a bit late to the party but that's okay. As Bonnie says.....it's not a race. I also realized that purple and pink are colors that are missing from my stash. Oh darn, I adore the colors that Bonnie has chosen so I think that just means I will have to make this one again in her gorgeous color palette. For this go around, mine will have a little different flavor.
Here are a few of my part 1 and part 3. Part 2 is on the back burner for a bit because I decided that I'm going to die cut those and my die has not yet arrived. So I'll have to share those in another post.
Thank you Bonnie for all of the fabulous info that you have provided. The intro has so much great advice on color and value. When I first started piecing my neutral 4 patches I quickly realized that my initial neutrals were more medium that light. So I went back to the drawing board (my box of 2" squares.). And came up with some that were lighter than a "brown paper bag".
Go on over to the Monday Link up to see all the happenings with En Provence.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Rainy days and Sundays
Rainy days and Sundays are such wonderful times to be stitching on a quilt, don't ya think? This is what is on my lap this rainy Sunday....In this particular block the polka dot is the original fabric and I am hand appliqueing fabric over the original pieces. I have to apply some more band aids to the white background pieces as well.
This was a very quilty weekend for me. Yesterday I spent a lovely (again rainy) day with my mom and my quilting sister. We took a wonderfully scenic trip to Bennington, VT., to see the Jane Stickle quilt at the Bennington Museum. A must see trip for any "Janiac" and Bennington is such a quaint New England town.
It is in amazing condition especially when you realize that this quilt was made in 1863. A most amazing scrap quilt. Each block is made from a different fabric. Jane must have had the most amazing collection of scraps.
Are you doing any slow stitching on this Slow stitching Sunday?
My son-in-law entrusted me with his wonderful family quilt. It is a much loved quilt that needed a little tender loving care. So I have a nice hot cup of coffee and my audio book ready to go while I spend this afternoon nursing this gem back to health. I wonder what Grandma was pondering when she hand stitch this lovely together...
This was a very quilty weekend for me. Yesterday I spent a lovely (again rainy) day with my mom and my quilting sister. We took a wonderfully scenic trip to Bennington, VT., to see the Jane Stickle quilt at the Bennington Museum. A must see trip for any "Janiac" and Bennington is such a quaint New England town.
It is in amazing condition especially when you realize that this quilt was made in 1863. A most amazing scrap quilt. Each block is made from a different fabric. Jane must have had the most amazing collection of scraps.
Are you doing any slow stitching on this Slow stitching Sunday?
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Whittling away at my UFOs
A couple of weeks ago I did a little bit of reorganizing in my play room. I do more than sew in my space, so I think it is more appropriately called a play room. It actually has always been a playroom. It used to be our children's playroom. I just reclaimed the space to be my playroom. Regardless of what I call this wonderful space, it really was a mess. I had all of my "in progress" projects very neatly stored in plastic boxes and they were stacked in various places around my cutting table. I've always been an "it's all about the process" person. What I hadn't fully realized was how many different "processes" I had going. Not to mention the pile of things I can hardly wait to start on waiting in the wings. And that doesn't even include my weaving and knitting processes (giggle).
I sucessfully freed up a couple of shelves in the one small closet that is in my playroom. This is the new home of my project boxes. I've given myself permission to be able to work on something new as long as I am diligently working on a box from my closet. And so far, I am sticking to my new plan. My new plan has been in place for two whole weeks. I think my major downfall is that there are way too many really cool sew alongs going on in the quniverse. So hard not to say "count me in"! The other thing is that my day job sort of gets in the way of my playtime (giggle).
I'm whittling away at my Kathy Schmitz calendar quilts. I completed August over a year ago. And now I have October.....
And November......
I skipped September because September is just about over. I'll surely have it done by next September (one can only hope anyway).
Until we meet again......
Friday, July 29, 2016
UFO is done , done, done.....sort of
I just love when this happens.....
The empty box means it is now a quilt top. Hooray...I plan on doing some big stitch hand quilting on this one.....It's one of Norma Whaley's wonderful designs....
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Slow stitching Sunday
I love hand stitchin' bindings. I know that is the least favorite thing for many. I think it appeals to me because I can be lost in my thoughts or lost in a great audio book or singing along with some great tunes while spending some time with needle and thread. The best part though is it means I actually finally finished something. Which is quite a feat for this queen of Works in Progress. So my Slow stitching Sunday was spent sewing the binding on this Happy Engagement quilt that I made for our beautiful daughter and her charming sweetie. It's hard to get a picture in this household without one of the furry kids poppin' into the screen (giggle). Hope you're enjoying your Sunday. And if you liked to see who else is Slow Stitching today.....Hop on over
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Happy little wallhangings
I am just thrilled with how these little wallhangings came out. They make me smile. Isn't that the point of a hobby....to bring happiness to your little world?
The top one is a pattern by Threads that Bind and the bottom one is from Norma Whaley (Timeless Traditions). I have quite a few of Norma's patterns. Which one shall I do next? Hmmmmm...Hope you get to take a little time for yourself today to do what makes you smile.
The top one is a pattern by Threads that Bind and the bottom one is from Norma Whaley (Timeless Traditions). I have quite a few of Norma's patterns. Which one shall I do next? Hmmmmm...Hope you get to take a little time for yourself today to do what makes you smile.
Until we meet again,
Friday, April 29, 2016
April OMG is done just in the nick of time
Well I'm a little closer to getting on track with my Gardens of the King SAL. I just LOVE Missie Carpenter's starch EPP method. I have adapted her method to some of my other projects with great success. It makes blocks with very complicated piecing go together in a snap 👍🏻.
I just love the Cherrywood hand dyes that I am using for this quilt. Your needle glides thru them like a knife to butter and the colors are just superb!
I'm happy to link up to the April OMG and can hardly wait to see how well everyone did to achieve their goals! Now to mull over what to do for May. Hmmmm.....
Here are the blocks I had hoped to complete for my April OMG.
I just love the Cherrywood hand dyes that I am using for this quilt. Your needle glides thru them like a knife to butter and the colors are just superb!
I'm happy to link up to the April OMG and can hardly wait to see how well everyone did to achieve their goals! Now to mull over what to do for May. Hmmmm.....
Friday, April 1, 2016
April One Month Goal
I'm taking a quick break from packing for our weekend getaway to Orlando to pick out my one month goal for April. I'm behind in my progress of this lovely quilt......
So I have decided to focus on this one for April. Here are the blocks that I have so far....I'm using Cherrywood hand dyes as well as some Ricky Tims' hand dyes too.
My goal is to complete 2 more blocks this month. Look here for what others have for goals for April. Good Luck everyone! Now back to packing....we are off to Universal Studios to go to Harry Potter. I can hardly wait 😃
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Woolie Blocks 3 & 4
I'm having such a grand time with Dawn's sweet little Woolie Blocks. Here are my Blocks 3 & 4.

I wasn't happy with the pink that I chose in my first block, so I reworked that one. And I used a peachier pink. Here are all 4 together.
Monday, March 28, 2016
March OMG
I can't believe that it is already the last week of March. Where does the time go? I finished my goal for March which was quilting this fun baby quilt. Such great timing too. The baby boy that I was making it for arrived a week ago. So I need to send this on its way.....
Here's a close up of the quilting. It's just a squiggle stitch that is on my Bernina that I use with my walking foot. Truth be told....I use this squiggle and vary the width of the squiggly lines so that if I'm slightly off you will never see it. I use painters tape in different widths as my marking tool.
Here's my label which makes it all "officially" done.
The space fabric is to honor baby's mom and dad...they both work in the aerospace industry. So time to link up to OMG.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Wonderful Woolie day
This weekend is going by way to quickly. But then again, they all go by way to quickly (giggle). My sweet sis sent me the most yummy box of goodies this week.....it is just stuffed with all kinds of fabulous fiber. I'm new to spinning and am so looking forward to experimenting with all of this fun fluff. Oh, just for the record all three of my sisters and my big bro too (can't leave him out) are sweet.
I've only had one spinning lesson (I'm spinning with a drop spindle) so I spent the morning watching YouTube videos to refresh my memory. After trying out a little of this and a little of that, I decided that the park and draft method works the best for me. I'm even catching on to the new vocabulary too. Drumroll please...........I actually made yarn.....
"Ta da"......Don't laugh too hard....I know it is not a huge amount just yet. But I'll get there. I highly recommend spinning....it I so peaceful and serene.
I joined a new Facebook group recently called School of Wool. This group encompasses really all things to do with wool. Many of the members do wonderful things with reclaimed wool sweaters and garments. I have been collecting reclaimed wool skirts, slacks, and jackets and have been deconstructing them and felting the wool to use for wool applique quilts. Recently I aquired a bunch of scraps from felted sweaters too. At first I didn't think I would really care to use them, but they really are quite nice. I've been inspired by many of the FB posts to use up some of this collection. So I made wool pennies and wool hexigons for a good part of the afternoon.
I look forward to working with these little gems in the future.....
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday too,
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Slow Stitching Sunday
I just love little quilt blocks. I guess this has been a real slooooow stitching Sunday for me since I have only managed to complete one of the blocks for the Temecula Album quilt BOM. Although I do have a bit more time left before I call it a night, so maybe I just might get another one done.
So far I have this sweet little block complete.
These simple little album blocks just make me smile. I see that my roof line is a bit wonky, but I think that just makes them all the more charming. Hope you're enjoying your Sunday...take a gander at what others are slow stitching here.
Piecefully yours,
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
March OMG
My OMG for this month was an easy decision. My dear, dear friend's very first grandchild is due to arrive in just a few weeks. I managed to finish the quilt top for this little man but I really do need to get it sandwiched, quilted and bound. So that will be my goal for this month.

If your not familiar with this one, it's a pattern by Elizabeth Hartman. She has such adorable designs. I love her simple designs that really make an impact. And more importantly, they are a ton of fun to make. I'm dying to try a rendition of these fabulous foxes with something like crazy bold Kaffe fabrics. Wouldn't that be fun? But first things first, I'm going to focus on getting this one quilted.....
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
February finish for OMG
Hip hip hooray! I finished my goal for my February OMG....I finished this little woollie quilt an pin keep from Buttermilk Basin.
I also finished this wonderful companion that is another one of Stacy's designs. My sis gave me the pattern for Christmas. The pattern includes 12 different blanket patterns...one for each month of the year. I'm think I have a theme going on here (giggle).
Here's a close up of his blanket....
Now to ponder my OMG for March...linking up here.
Until we meet again,
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Slowly getting caught up
Okay, I admit it.....I am a sucker for a sew along. I just can't say no when I come across a good one. And actually, I have yet to come across a "bad" one. There are just so many talented and generous quilters out there. And I think I am probably not alone when it comes to this addiction. Admit it, you know who you are (giggle). But before I get to my SALs......
I spent yesterday putting together a baby quilt that has been on my to do list. I just realized he is due to arrive in three weeks. The mama to be probably won't be happy but I hope he follows his daddy's lead and shows up late. Here's a sneak peek. It's an adorable pattern by Elizabeth Hartman. I just need to sandwich it and quilt it....oh, there's time.....
Now back to those SALs I mentioned before....Today I worked on my homework from a couple of SALs that I have joined in on.... I have a couple others to get going on....but these are the ones that made it to the front of the line...
I finished clue 5 for Gyleen Fitzgerald's Bricks, Cobblestones & Pebbles....I have 3 more clues to get caught up on...But l am totally enjoying this stash busting process...and yes it is all from my scrap box or stash....
I also finally posted blocks 1& 2 to the FB page for the Gardens of a King SAL being run by Missie Carpenter. She has a really neat starch basting EPP method that is used to construct the blocks. I'm using up my Cherrywoods and Ricky Tims hand dyes for both the Cobblestones and Garden SALs
And finally I felted the wool for Dawn Heese's ( http://dawnheesequilts.blogspot.com) Little wool baskets SAL. Well, I sort of felted the wool until my washing machine decided to go caput. Our new machine should be here on Wednesday. Good thing I work from home since I didn't get a chance to do laundry either. Let's just say I have some interesting outfits to last me until the new machine shows up.
Until we meet again.....
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
February OMG
Time to decide what is next on the "to do" list. I'm still very much in the mood to do more wool applique. I have a wonderful wool applique kit from Buttermilk Basin that has been calling out
"Pick me"... "Pick me"....
Monday, January 25, 2016
January finish for OMG
Woohooo.....I finished my January OMG. What a great feeling. Here is my wall hanging all ready to hang.
And here is the label....so it is official!
Monday, January 18, 2016
Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles clue #2
So far I am keeping up with the Gyleen's Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles mystery quilt. Clue #2 is out. Here are mine..
I'm making a small dent into my hand dye scraps. I love their suede like texture. I'm not sure if you can really see that from my pics since I'm not the greatest photographer. You'll just have to take my word for it.....They are really yummy in person.
Piecefully yours,
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Slow stitching and weaving Sunday
Whole lot a slow stitchin going on this weekend. First thing on the docket was the first block for the 2016 Mystery BOM from Buttermilk Basin. Stacy West from BB is such a creative and talented designer. I just love her designs. You too can join in the fun! I am trying to stick with my New Years goals of simplifying life. So that means using up fabric from my stash....I think I have stumbled on some that works just fine......I'm going with a very deep burgundy color scheme. Instead of a wool moon I used a clay moon button that has been in my button box just waiting for its perfect home. I think he has finally found it. Linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday here.
Until we meet again...piecefully yours,
Along with some slow stitchin I did a bunch of slow weaving too. This afternoon I spent a few hours with a bunch of lovely ladies from my Thursday nite knitting group. We had a Fiber Fun day at Jaquie's house. It was an afternoon of weaving, knitting and spinning fun. I brought my little pin loom to play with. My squares are going to be made into a lovely short sleeved jacket.
One square down only 71 more to go (giggle). I'm getting the knack of warping this little loom so soon I will be on a roll....or maybe not. It is slow stitching Sunday after all. So this project fits that criterion just perfectly, don't you think? They are a lot of fun to make...and that's all that counts.
I also learned something new today....my big sister will be so proud! She is a VERY talented spinner and weaver (and all kinds of other stuff too). Today I learned how to spin with a drop spindle. I'm not very good at it just yet, but I think I need to buy a fleece so that I can spin. It is a ton of fun. Now I only said I was going to simplify life by using up my fabric stash. That is until I have a weak moment, and you know that is bound to happen. I don't have a fiber stash so it's okay to go shopping for that, right? Oh, and I would love one of those really pretty drop spindles too. Some of them are just so gorgeous. My new friend Jacquie sent me home with one of her spindles and a bunch of fleece so that I could play. Woohoo...More fun! Hope you are spending your Sunday doing what you love to do....
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Bricks, Cobblestones, and Pebbles
When hubby and I were at the International Quilt Festival in Houston this past fall we came across the "Odds, Ends, and Leftovers" exhibit submitted by Gyleen Fitzgerald. Such charming and fun quilts. I decided then that I really needed to make one of those quilts. They are the perfect quilt for those of us who have more scraps than we know what to do with.
Now, it just so happens that Gyleen has just started the Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles Mid-January 2016 Mystery. I feel like I just won powerball....two of my favorite things. Mysteries and scrappy quilts. So I've decided to join in the fun. We'll be posting our progress on FB.
Here is my starting point.....
This is a small pile of my hand dyed scraps. This bunch is a bunch of Ricky Tims' hand dyes. The are wonderful. I'm also using some Cherrywood scraps....also scrumptious. And some of my own hand dyed fabric (not so wonderful but a ton of fun to make).
This is clue 1 of the mystery.....
Until we meet again,
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Slow Stitchin Sunday
Today is the perfect slow stitching day. It has been pouring here in New England all day long. Perfect for sitting in my comfy chair with a nice cup of hot chocolate and needle and thread in hand. Marvin and Lily are hanging with hubby while we are sitting here watching the playoff football games and the golf tournament in Hawaii. The ocean views on the golf course are unbelievably beautiful. I'll just pretend that that is the view outside of my sewing room window. Works for me (giggle).
Here's Marvin and hubby watching the Seattle/Vikings game....
And this is what I was working on.....another block from At home in the garden. Once I finish this one up then I will only have one more left. Wooohoooo! I think I am really in the home stretch now. Check out what others are doing for Slow Stitching Sunday.
Until we meet again,
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
January UFO
My sister (Mary) shared with me that she just joined in the OMG fun. So I decided that I needed to investigate OMG myself to see what the fun was all about. I am so excited!
Thank you, Heidi for creating this wonderful avenue to help me finish some of the bazillion projects that I have in progress. To say my UFOs are out of control would be an understatement. Can anyone else out there relate? (giggle) How wonderful too to be able to see what other quilters have going on in their quilty lives.
I've decided for my January UFO that I would pick one of my smaller unfinished projects so that I would be more likely to succeed in this endeavor....baby steps. I'm hoping that I will really get on a roll and achieve each of my monthly goals. But if I falter, I'm sure my fellow quilters will inspire me to keep on track.
My goal for January is to quilt and bind this little wall hanging.
Thank you, Heidi for creating this wonderful avenue to help me finish some of the bazillion projects that I have in progress. To say my UFOs are out of control would be an understatement. Can anyone else out there relate? (giggle) How wonderful too to be able to see what other quilters have going on in their quilty lives.
I've decided for my January UFO that I would pick one of my smaller unfinished projects so that I would be more likely to succeed in this endeavor....baby steps. I'm hoping that I will really get on a roll and achieve each of my monthly goals. But if I falter, I'm sure my fellow quilters will inspire me to keep on track.
My goal for January is to quilt and bind this little wall hanging.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Back in the garden on Slow Stitchin' Sunday
Last January I attended Quilt St. George and had the most wonderful time attending Norma Whaley's wool applique class. She is such a gifted quilt designer. I just love all of her patterns. We learned her method of wool applique while making "At Home in the Garden".
Here it is one year later and I am still working on the quilt that I started then. Truth be told I am still working on many quilts that I have started over this past year. There are just so many quilts that I encounter that just speak to me. They are all saying....make me! Make me! And I can just not resist. How can I disappoint them. They all need to be made.
Here it is one year later and I am still working on the quilt that I started then. Truth be told I am still working on many quilts that I have started over this past year. There are just so many quilts that I encounter that just speak to me. They are all saying....make me! Make me! And I can just not resist. How can I disappoint them. They all need to be made.
Now....I am making great progress on this quilt. I only have 3 blocks left to applique. So I decided what better way to spend Slow Stitching Sunday than working on this wonderful little quilt. So here is the block I am working on now....
Until we meet again,
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Working on keeping it simple
Today I started working on my goal of "Keeping it simple and smile". I anticipate that my phrase will encompass many areas of my life. Today I decided that life would be much simpler if I worked on "decluttering" our kitchen. I recently started reading a book called "The Life-changing Magic of Tyding up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing." Some time back I received an email from Amazon with book suggestions that I might find interesting. It caught my eye when I read "clear the clutter and find the calm motivated mind set it can inspire". I'm still working my way through the book but was anxious to find that "calm motivated mind set" . Who wouldn't want that? So I decided to start on my way to de-cluttering.
The timing is perfect because Big Brother Big Sister will be in my neck of the woods on Monday to accept donations of clothing, toys or kitchen items. That certainly puts a smile on my face and I'd like to think on theirs as well. BBBS comes through our town on a monthly basis to accept donations so I hope to continue my decluttering on a regular basis. According to my Tyding up book, a time frame of a year is reasonable for achieving your goal. Seems reasonable to me.
I figure less clutter will lead to less time spent on housework and more time to stitch or knit or weave or read. That certainly puts a smile on my face 😍.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy 2016!
I've spent quite a bit of time pondering the coming of the new year. Typically people come up with New Years resolutions that they vow to follow in the coming year. It has been my experience that these resolutions often include 1) Starting a new diet to shed unwanted pounds 2) Saving more $ and spending less and 3) trying to be a nicer or kinder individual. Now, the problem with New Years resolutions is that one's efforts tend to last through January and the go down hill from there. So I have been pondering how I would like to handle this New Year's custom.
One of my sisters (Mary) sent me a wonderful blog post from Kathy Quilts in which Kathy reflected on her accomplishments in 2015 rather than focus on what she wants to tackle in 2016. I love the idea of focusing on what one has accomplished. Especially when we tend to resolve to accomplish way more than what is really possible. When one comes up with a lengthy list of resolutions, one is bound to fall short of these expectations. Mainly because life happens and we can not pre-plan for everything that is going to occur on our life's journey.
I haven't done the best job this year when it comes to recording my creative accomplishments, so I won't be following Kathy's lead as far as reflecting on my accomplishments for 2015. But I think I would like to do that for Jan. 1, 2017. So rather than have resolutions or reflections for 2016, I have decided to focus on a phrase this year.......Keep it simple and smile.
Now how can I fall short of my goals if I just "Keep it simple and smile". And in doing so, maybe I'll be able to put a smile on your face too.
Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2016....until we meet again,
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